Monday, October 12, 2009


For months, I have been following the healthcare reform discussion with a great deal of interest. This is an issue near and dear to my heart. My hope is that we can use our collective influence as writers to educate others and spread the word about the importance of healthcare reform in the US.

How it works:

I will post blogs that, hopefully, will educate readers on various aspects of the different healthcare plans that are being considered. If you agree with the cause of healthcare reform, you can post a link to this blog on your own blog, website, Facebook, etc. In return, I will link to your blog or website. In addition, I have created a Facebook fan page so that fans can be notified via Facebook when there is a new blog post. In this way, I hope that we can help move healthcare reform forward. To join the cause, email me and your link will be added to the site.

Guest blogs:

Have an idea for a guest blog? I would love to hear it. Contact me via email at j-shumate at hotmaill dot com.

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